Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Argumentation Essay

And a woman spoke, saying, "Tell us of Pain." And he said: Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. -The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran Pain can be all-consuming, pervading our senses and making us despondent and irrational; we dread our darkest hours with the same intensity that we look forward to the happiest days of our lives. But pain is a natural element of our existence, providing us with the means to know ourselves better, and giving us the ability to experience ultimate happiness. Pain is a necessary condition of human existence; we must embrace and accept it. Pain is a vital, natural ingredient in our lives. Sorrow is as natural as happiness; the happiness surrounding the birth of our children is as natural as the melancholy surrounding the deaths of our parents. The grieving process that takes place after the loss of a loved one is excruciatingly painful but it must be surmounted in order for us to move on. We must realize that pain is the result of happiness and happiness is the result of pain. For instance, the happiness that we feel from being a loving relationship makes a break-up all the more painful, while the pain that we feel from that loss makes our next love all the more joyful. Although we are sometimes overcome with sadness so acute that it causes us irrepressible pain, we must accept that pain is nature’s way of alleviating sorrow; we must also accept that the end result of pain is happiness. Pain allows us to confront the hardship in our lives, allowing us to put sadness behind us. By realizing that pain is natural and healing, we can understand that without it we can never truly know ourselves; it is often in our darkest hours that we begin to gain insight into our true character. When we disappoint ourselves and those we love, it is painful. But it is pain that provide... Free Essays on Argumentation Essay Free Essays on Argumentation Essay And a woman spoke, saying, "Tell us of Pain." And he said: Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. -The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran Pain can be all-consuming, pervading our senses and making us despondent and irrational; we dread our darkest hours with the same intensity that we look forward to the happiest days of our lives. But pain is a natural element of our existence, providing us with the means to know ourselves better, and giving us the ability to experience ultimate happiness. Pain is a necessary condition of human existence; we must embrace and accept it. Pain is a vital, natural ingredient in our lives. Sorrow is as natural as happiness; the happiness surrounding the birth of our children is as natural as the melancholy surrounding the deaths of our parents. The grieving process that takes place after the loss of a loved one is excruciatingly painful but it must be surmounted in order for us to move on. We must realize that pain is the result of happiness and happiness is the result of pain. For instance, the happiness that we feel from being a loving relationship makes a break-up all the more painful, while the pain that we feel from that loss makes our next love all the more joyful. Although we are sometimes overcome with sadness so acute that it causes us irrepressible pain, we must accept that pain is nature’s way of alleviating sorrow; we must also accept that the end result of pain is happiness. Pain allows us to confront the hardship in our lives, allowing us to put sadness behind us. By realizing that pain is natural and healing, we can understand that without it we can never truly know ourselves; it is often in our darkest hours that we begin to gain insight into our true character. When we disappoint ourselves and those we love, it is painful. But it is pain that provide...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Carta de invitación para sacar la visa de turista EE.UU

Carta de invitacià ³n para sacar la visa de turista EE.UU Las cartas de invitacià ³n se utilizan frecuentemente como parte de la documentacià ³n que se entrega a una embajada o consulado americano cuando se solicita una visa de turista para Estados Unidos. No es un documento necesario, pero sà ­ que es  frecuente  porque puede ayudar a que el oficial consular se decida aprobar la visa que se solicita. Pero es importante entender que, por sà ­ sola, la carta de invitacià ³n no es suficiente para obtener la visa, sino que es un elemento ms a tener en cuenta y para inclinar la balanza a favor del solicitante.   Asimismo, si no se presenta una carta de invitacià ³n eso no quiere decir que la visa no pueda obtenerse. En otras palabras, es un documento de presentacià ³n voluntaria que puede ayudar a obtener la visa. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre quià ©nes pueden escribir la carta de invitacià ³n, quià ©n es el destinatario de la misma, cul es el formato adecuado y quà © documentos adicionales se pueden incluir en apoyo de la veracidad de la carta. Quià ©nes pueden escribir la carta de invitacià ³n para sacar la visa de turista La carta de invitacià ³n no la escribe la persona que solicita la visa, sino otra distinta que es a quien se va a visitar en Estados Unidos. En este punto, es fundamental el estatus migratorio de dicha persona en Estados Unidos ya que determina si tiene capacidad para redactar este tipo de documento. Pueden hacerlo las siguientes personas: En primer lugar, los ciudadanos americanos, que debern acreditar tal situacià ³n mediante documentos como copia del pasaporte americano o del certificado de nacimiento en Estados Unidos. En realidad, cualquier documento oficial que pruebe su condicià ³n de estadounidenses. En segundo lugar, los residentes permanentes legales. En este caso, debern incluir con la carta una fotocopia legible por los dos lados  de su tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Y, en tercer lugar, pueden redactar la carta de invitacià ³n los extranjeros que se encuentran legalmente en Estados Unidos  porque tienen una visa vigente. En este caso  debern adjuntar a la carta de invitacià ³n su certificado original de nacimiento, fotocopia de todas las hojas de su pasaporte y, si su visa estuviera en otro ya expirado, tambià ©n incluir copias de à ©ste. Si la visa est expirada pero se ha pedido su renovacià ³n, una copia de dicha peticià ³n. Adems de esos documentos los extranjeros con visas L1 de transfer entre sedes de una misma empresa  o H1  para profesionales debern incluir su à ºltimo I-797, una carta que reciben del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Por otro lado,  los migrantes que està ©n en situacià ³n de ajuste de estatus pendiente  se recomienda que envà ­en junto a la carta de invitacià ³n una copia del documento que pruebe tal situacià ³n, como por ejemplo el permiso de trabajo, conocida en inglà ©s como  EAD card. Por à ºltimo, tener en consideracià ³n que si la invitacià ³n se hace a favor de un familiar por razà ³n de matrimonio, como por ejemplo un suegro o un cuà ±ado, deber acompaà ±arse la carta de invitacià ³n con una fotocopia del certificado de boda de la persona que invita y fotocopia del pasaporte de su marido o de su mujer. Por ejemplo, si un ciudadano americano est casado con una mexicana y quiere invitar a su suegra a que les visite en EEUU con ocasià ³n del bautizo de su hijo deber incluir no sà ³lo prueba de su ciudadanà ­a estadounidense, sino tambià ©n de estar casado con su esposa mexicana y copia del pasaporte de à ©sta. Finalmente, los migrantes indocumentados no deben  escribir una carta de invitacià ³n. No facilitarà ­a la solicitud de visa del solicitante y, por otro lado, servirà ­a para revelar la situacià ³n de indocumentado de dicho migrante y datos importantes como, por ejemplo, dà ³nde vive. Adems, si una persona invita a sus padres a visitar Estados Unidos y esos padres tienen ms hijos en ese paà ­s, deber tambià ©n acreditarse el estatus legal de todos los hijos que viven en el paà ­s y no sà ³lo el del hijo que extiende la invitacià ³n. Destinatario de la carta de invitacià ³n para sacar la visa de turista La carta se envà ­a a la persona que se desea invitar y  no al consulado  o embajada que debe tramitar el visado. Este punto da lugar a mucha confusià ³n ya que es comà ºn creer que el consulado es el destinatario de esta carta. Sin embargo, esa creencia es equivocada. En todos los casos, la persona que invita debe enviar la carta a la persona invitada. Formato de la carta de invitacià ³n para la visa de turista para EE.UU. No hay una forma determinada que diga expresamente cà ³mo tiene que ser la carta. Es decir, cada persona puede escribir lo que quiera, pero utilizando un lenguaje formal, respetuoso y claro. Adems, deberà ­a seguir las siguientes pautas: Estar escrita en inglà ©s.  Incluir la fecha en la que se escribeNo olvidarse de firmarIdentificar expresamente  a la persona que se quiere invitar. Por ejemplo, si son padre e hijo, hermanos o simplemente amigos.Redactarla en una computadora e imprimir el documento. Documentacià ³n adicional que deberà ­a aà ±adirse a la carta de   invitacià ³n Se recomienda enviar documentacià ³n que pruebe la capacidad econà ³mica de la persona que invita a un extranjero a visitar EEUU y puede ser uno o varios de los documentos siguientes: Copia de la declaracià ³n de impuestos federales de los à ºltimos tres aà ±os. Si no se tienen tantos aà ±os declarados, los que se tengan. Y tambià ©n copias de los W2. Si se es empresario por cuenta propia, enviar prueba de tal situacià ³n y cuentas bancarias corporativas. Tambià ©n serà ­a apropiado enviar una copia de los extractos bancarios de al menos los à ºltimos seis meses. Deben demostrar cierta fortaleza econà ³mica. Otra opcià ³n es incluir una carta en papel oficial de la empresa que emplee a la persona que hace la invitacià ³n y que identifique al empleado, desde cundo trabaja allà ­, cul es su salario y si su contrato es temporal o no. Finalmente, tambià ©n es vlido una carta del banco en papel oficial en el que se diga cundo la persona que redacta la carta de invitacià ³n abrià ³ la cuenta en una de sus oficinas, cunto dinero se deposità ³ el aà ±o anterior y el saldo en el momento actual. Ejemplos de cartas de invitacià ³n Aquà ­ se puede consultar  ejemplos de cartas de invitacià ³n. Estn en inglà ©s porque es el idioma en el que deben escribirse.   Consejos migratorios para turistas en Estados Unidos No todos los extranjeros necesitan sacar una visa de turista para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Y es que los ciudadanos de los paà ­ses acogidos al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas  pueden ingresar solicitando una Autorizacià ³n Electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA si llegan al paà ­s por avià ³n o llenando el formulario I-94 si llegan por barco o se presentan en una frontera terrestre. Como no necesitan visa, tampoco precisan de una carta de invitacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, destacar que las visas de turista se pueden negar por muchas causas, pero que pueden resumirse en dos grandes categorà ­as: por ser inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos y/o por ser inelegible.   La causa ms comà ºn de rechazo de la aprobacià ³n de la visa de turista es que el oficial consular considere que no se ha probado ms all de toda duda que el solicitante tiene lazos familiares y econà ³micos fuertes en su paà ­s de origen o de residencia habitual. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflective personal learning journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflective personal learning journal - Essay Example These four subjects are motivation, leadership, conflict management, and teamwork. I will now describe each of these four areas in turn by showing what I have learned, how I have applied what I have learned to real situations, and how the insight gained has influenced how I will manage employees. One of the important topics covered in the course was motivation. Motivation has been described saying, â€Å"Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action† (Daft, 1997, p. 526). As a manager, an important part of my duties will be to ensure that employees are motivated. For this reason, I have considering how motivation applies within the organisation so that I can gain insight into methods I can use to motivate employees. The organisational behaviour approach to motivation includes considering how the organisation impacts on the motivation of employees and how employees can be motivated. This includes recognising that the characteristics that result in a person being motivated are not often simple or obvious. An approach to the issue that does not look at the behavioural aspects but only looks at the problem on the surface may see employees as being rewarded financially and assume that they should be motivated by this financial reward. The behavioural aspect goes a lot deeper than this and considers the complex issues that contribute to motivation. This approach may recognise that while financial rewards are received, employees do not receive adequate recognition or praise for their efforts. This approach may also recognise that employees feel pressured in the workplace and that this stress causes a decline in motivation. By focusing on the behaviour of employees, the many aspects that contribute to motivation are noted. I think this is important because it will allow me to take positive actions to motivate employees. I will

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Cross-border Merger of Kraft and Cadbury Term Paper

The Cross-border Merger of Kraft and Cadbury - Term Paper Example An overview of the Kraft –Cadbury merger In February 2010, Cadbury gave in to Kraft’s US$ 19.7 billion takeover after a fierce battle lasting over 100 days. Kraft Foods US is a major confectionary maker. The British chocolate maker had earlier in 2009, rejected a US$ 16.4 billion hostile takeover bid from Kraft, stating that the value did not represent the intrinsic value of the Cadbury brand. Industry experts believe that the combined group is the number one in chocolate and confectionary segments, as well as the second in the high growth gum segment (Ralph & Olesseni, p.61). Cadbury had agreed for 840 pence per share which would give them a total valuation of $19 billion. Media reported that Cadbury slipped into US giant Kraft Foods and the British Prime Minister committed that the jobs in UK could be protected. It was estimated that Cadbury employees numbered more than 45000 worldwide. It was expected, Kraft Cadbury combined would generate large cost savings, enablin g Kraft to become a global market leader. The conglomeration would also generate annual sales of more than $ 50 billion. The market reaction was mixed especially from UK where the fear of job loss came up and cultural reaction was that the country’s honor namely Cadbury’s brand, had been given to US. Kraft Foods was one of the major US confectionery manufacturers with net revenue of $42 billion and operating in 150 countries as of 2008. It was founded 1903 as a cheese company by James L. Kraft (Funding Universe, 2002) and over the years established fine brands like Milka, Toblerone, Jacobs, Oscar Mayer and Oreo. Even though Kraft was able to capture US and European markets, it was the second largest food company in the world and Nestle, Switzerland continued to occupy the premier position with its brands firmly established not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Nestle had reported a net profit of $9.55 billion with an annual turnover of $99 b illion in 2009. Next in the race for second position was Cadbury, UK with its popular brands like Dairy Milk bars, Roses chocolates, Trident gum and Halls cough drops, built over 150 years not only in UK and developed countries but also firmly established its presence in the developing countries like India, Mexico and Brazil for over 50 years. Cadbury’s revenues in 2008 stood at ?5.4billion. Kraft Foods US with an ambition to reach the top slot in the global confectionery market made a bid for $10 billion to acquire a 100% stake in Cadbury at the end of 2009. The bid was rejected outright as the market value of the share was more than ? 7 per share and Kraft Foods had to reconsider the valuation process of Cadbury and made a revised offer of around $ 19.6 billion in early 2010 over which the shareholders of Cadbury numbering over 90% consented to the acquisition. Evolution and Growth of Kraft Foods Kraft Foods Inc., the second largest food company in the world, had brands spr ead over five consumer sectors – snacks, beverages, cheese, grocery and convenient meals. Kraft Foods had strong presence worldwide and operated in150 countries as of 2008. The company had evolved from a cheese company, started by James L. Kraft in 1903. James L. Kraft had started his cheese business to relieve the grocers from travelling daily to procure cheese. The merger of Kraft – Phenix and National Dairy Products Corporation in 1930 led to the further growth of Kraft. New brands such as Miracle Whip salad dressing, Velveeta pasteurized process cheese spread, were launched and turned to be successful. Innovative advertising strategy followed by Kraft was another driving force for Kraft’s success. The company was renamed as Kraft Foods Company in 1945 and during the post war period Kraft Foods continued with its new product launches and innovative advertising. In spite of various restructuring activities, Kraft General Foods’ financial results were no t rosy. In early 1995, the three units, Kraft USA, General

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Advanced Audio Coding and Walkman Essay Example for Free

Advanced Audio Coding and Walkman Essay Technology has played an important in part in market and in the society. It has brought positive as well as negative changes. The progression from sheet music to the invention of a phonograph to the walkman, CD player and the iPod has created a modernized society. People tend to move along with these changes creating a market. The idea of transferring digital music to your iPod without purchase of a CD or an audiotape may seem like an extraordinary idea but the idea of digital music has led to the downloading of illegal music. The Walkman may have been the turning point in the music recording industry. It was a chain reaction for later products such as the iPod and the CD player. Long before the iPod made its way into the market making millions; the Walkman was the trendy technology. Sony introduced the Walkman in the 1970s, a new invention that led to be a massive hit. Sony ended up selling around fifty thousand pieces by the end of two months after its release. Eventually, other famous brands such as Toshiba and Panasonic entered the walkman market creating a market in the early 1980s. Surprisingly, the production of the Walkman led to an increase in physical activities. This portable device could be carried anywhere and had a hook to attach to any item of clothing. People started exercising more as one can listen to his or her choice of music while working out especially in gymnasiums. This brought a change in the society as people began to implement physical training more often. This also had a disadvantage since people who had their headphones plugged in tend to be more indifferent to their surroundings. This created an environment, where everyone is tuned in into their little environment being oblivious to what is happening around them. With the creation of walkman, the sale of digital audio tapes also increased. As iPods are the 21st century popular forms of music player technology, the walkman was the latest thing. This generation became more ‘wired’ as teenagers started to grow apart from the notion of young people together singing the songs of the day or the old songs in front of their houses. Sheet music became obsolete, as fewer and fewer people moved to a more modernized technology and era. Comparing to the advances in the 21st century, the walkman is seen as an old portable audio cassette player, where rewinding and forwarding a song would take twenty or thirty seconds. The latest music technology, mp3s or iPod, have put people at an ease with sophisticated technology and its touch screen display has bought a change in this profit-making business. The slick structure and the advanced A Walkman today would cost you merely twenty dollar where as an iPod can cost anywhere from a hundred to a couple hundred dollars. How digital music is illegally downloaded and used today on music players, Walkman on the other hand required the purchase of audiotapes. As Paul Du Gay notes in his book ‘Doing cultural studies: the story of the Sony Walkman’, the walkman accustomed individuals to tune out from the surroundings and caused them to be reclusive. This also led to a cause of a gneration gap between teenagers and their parents or older siblings. The walkman was used by people when in crowded places, such as trains or buses as a means to drown away noises. This seemed as an effective way to creating your own space but this eventually leads to people tuning themselves out even when at home. Teenagers liked to keep their headphones on throughout the day; I believe this led to a distance between them and their peers. Eventually, a type of distance grew among people, sheet music was nearly extinct and the customary ritual of singing together was far disappeared. In conclusion, the Walkman has definitely been a jump from the traditional tape recorder players to portable audio players. Its creation has had its advantages and disadvantages. The increase in the level of physical activity has increased among the owners of Walkman due to the fact that it is portable. Although, on a downside the Walkman has also led to the creation of a secluded attitude.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Executive Summary The Sun Products Corporation has designed a product that offers buyers an easy and affordable way to effectively soften their laundry. Proper fabric softening is the most effective process available to reduce static cling and stiffness in clothing. Improper laundry techniques result in wrinkles, faded materials, and the breakdown of fabrics. Studies have shown that proper washing procedures can slow down the deterioration of fabrics and lengthen the life of clothes while making the whites whiter and colors brighter over a longer period of time. The greatest solution to this problem stems from the lack of use of fabric softeners. Existing products offer no effective or affordable solutions for ensuring laundry comes out soft and snuggly. Treatment of clothes costs Americans over $4 Billion in direct costs each year. The Sun Products Corporation is the first line of laundry products to answer this problem and provide proven results that using fabric softener lengthens the overall life and quality of clothing. After washing, the unique additive in our fabric softener remains on the clothes. This will allow protection from dangerous UV rays, immense dryer and iron heat, daily usage, as well as future laundry cycles. Though our brand Snuggle, we shall provide this in a new product line under the registered brand name Snuggle Dri, which not only provides the advantages stated above but also creates a water repellant coating. No other product on the market offer similar results along with trusted quality and assurance of Snuggle. The Company The Sun Products Corporation was founded in 1975 as Huish Detergents Inc. by way of Wilton, Connecticut. The Sun Products Corpo... ...ed on detailed financial projections, Snuggle Dri will require $300,000 in start-up capital, but will bring in positive cash flow practically instantaneously which will handle any unexpected expenses and generate profit by the end of Year 1. By the end of Year 3 the brand will be generating $30,000,000 in sales with a sizeable net profit. Sales - Sales growth is projected at a constant rate of 90% annually, which based on growth from existing channels of distribution and positioning Operating Expenses - After the first 24 months we project an increase in operating expenses caused by higher advertising, marketing, and promotion costs Inventory Turnover - We will launch with a test run with purchase of 30,000 gallons of Snuggle Dri. We will keep this as a minimal inventory stock at our distribution hub. On average, we will have three months worth of inventory on hand.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human Resources Information Essay

Introduction This report on data management; has been compiled to explain to you the reasons why HR data is important to an organisation, the types of data that should be recorded, the methods for collecting HR data and some of the UK legislation surrounding the recording, storing and accessibility of HR Data. Types of Data That Should Be Recorded and the Reasons Why â€Å"HR records include a wide range of data relating to individuals working in an organisation, for example, pay or absence levels, hours worked and trade union agreements. This information may be stored in a variety of media, such as computer databases or paper files.† (http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/retention-hr-records.aspx#link_0, accessed 3/3/2015) There are some statutory records that need to be recorded and stored; these statutory records must be kept because the law requires them. Statutory records will include things like the job title, address and emergency contact. Records such as pay and working hours will  be stored to help management adhere to the Working Time Directive and the Minimum Wage Act 1998. Non-statutory records are kept for the internal purposes of the organisation. These records such as attendance, punctuality, skills, strengths and weaknesses can all be used to recognise trends within the company and aggregate management or big data so that managers can act on any trends that may need sorting. For example at P.P. Plasma Ltd there is only one person in the sales department who is trained to read and understand technical drawings. This person is currently in line for a promotion within the group of companies and will no longer be part of the sales team in the next eighteen months. After aggregating the records it has been identified that the manager of the drawing office has the skills to teach the other sales team members enough to fill this skills gap. Other reasons for storing records could be to review capability issues; induction records, training records and health and safety documentation should all allow the organisation to challenge staff on the reasons that they are not following procedures when they have had training and have signed to show understanding. These will also show any other training that may be necessary. As evidence in case of any tribunal or discrimination challenges; recruitment and selection data and termination of employment data will show the organisation has been fair and unbiased in its selection process or how they have dealt with a termination without discrimination. Methods of Storing HR Data Paper Method The paper method of storing records has many more disadvantages than advantages; but for small organisations would still be a viable solution to storing HR records. â€Å"Data relating to employees is of a highly contentious and potentially litigious nature and has to be managed in accordance with compliance regulations. To do this manually is a daunting task and often liable to malpractice.† (http://www.ipcgroup.co.uk, accessed 7/3/2015) There are time limits on the information that can be kept and if you are storing this information manually then this also means that you must remove or redact information every so often. This means that data could be stored for too long. Aggregating all of the data collected into big data can also be a challenge; most of this data will need to be entered into spreadsheets  manually in order to create the management data needed. Other issues with paper records are the cost of floor space needed to store the information, the difficulty of backing up such a system; this would require the same amount of floor space on an alternate site and the security of the records; some filing cabinets may be locked with a key but if somebody were to forget to lock the cabinet then these files are open to anybody with access to the room. Digital Method The digital method could be a cheaper, much more secure, simple and timesaving solution to all organisations but especially the larger ones. â€Å"Given the low cost and the easy accessibility of electronic records storage, many employers are making the digital leap to â€Å"paperless† HR. These days, most records are created and maintained electronically, and some never even make their way to paper.† (http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com, accessed 7/3/2015) Security on a digital system whether it be local or cloud based would be much easier to manage, an electronic record of anybody that as accessed data can be kept automatically and permissions can be set to allow some people to see records that others do not have permission to see; for example at P.P. Plasma Ltd the Managing Director will have access to the HR of everybody in the organisation whereas a departmental manager will only have access to the records on their own staff. Space is only an issue of how much cloud space you can afford or how big a hard drive you can have in your server if you are doing it locally. When using a cloud based service you need to ensure that the cloud service that you are using has a backup system in case of a failure or natural disaster and what the time constraints on these being implemented if needed. Whereas if you are using a local system you will need to speak with your IT department and ensure that the system is backed and removed from the site, this solution will also need a time constraint on how long the system will need to be put back into place. Other reasons to use a digital HR system would be that the data could be aggregated into management and big data easily, whether the HR system has this built in or the data needs to be copied into a spreadsheet or database in order to create graphs, charts , tables and reports. Searching digital records could be done with a few clicks of the mouse and as long as the permissions are set up correctly this could also tell you who you need to  speak to in order to gain access to the information that you are searching for. UK Legislation regarding HR Data There are many pieces of legislation surrounding the recording, accessing and storing of HR data but the two that I am going to explain are the Date Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Data Protection Act 1998 controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Anybody responsible for storing and accessing HR data has to follow the data protection principles. They must make sure the information is: used fairly and lawfully used for limited or specifically stated purposes used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive accurate kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary handled according to people’s data protection rights kept safe and secure not transferred outside the UK without adequate protection Anybody who feels that there data has not been used in accordance to these principles can make a complaint to the organisation themselves and if they are still unhappy with the response can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives the general public right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities and those providing services for them. It also sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities. Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, and sound or video recordings. In order to adhere to the Freedom of Information Act; any person making a request to a public authority for information will be entitled to be informed whether that information is held. The Freedom of Information Act does not give people access to their own personal data such as their health records or credit reference file. If a member of the public wants to see information that a public authority holds about them, they should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Books vs Ebooks Essay

Now days with the rise of digital technology many physical items such as pen and paper are slowly being replaced by computers and smart phones. But is this really a good thing? I read books and of course so do many other people in this class and around the globe. But since the creation of ‘e-readers’ more and more people have been converting to the technology based side of reading. Although technology is slowly becoming more predominant in this era we should not rely on it to always entertain and keep us occupied. I think ‘real, physical’ books are better than e-books because you can truly own a book. As Mortimer J. Adler, a popular author, says, ‘Full ownership comes only when you have made [the book] a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. ’ When owning an e-book it is more like owning ‘insurance’ than owning a camera. In one case ownership of books is physical and irrevocable but e-books are not and can be taken away easily as Kindle users discovered when one day their copies of 1984 suddenly disappeared. You will know a book that is truly owned because it will be ‘dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back,’ says Adler. It also lets you know how old and how well enjoyed a book was. E-readers are beginning to allow some interactivity, but it is of a very different order. Taking a note in an e-book or making a highlight in it is independent of the book; all of that information is stored apart from the book in a file or a database. Send the book to another person and you’ll find that all of the notes and highlights are gone. They belong to you or your device, not to your book. One of the most disappointing aspects of e-books is that they cannot be loaned out. Most have some kind of digital rights management which ties a book to a particular owner. When you buy a Kindle book, you might have a copy of that book on up to 5 of your devices, but they must be devices tied to your Amazon account. You cannot loan your book to your friend; you cannot even loan it to your mum if she has a Kindle of her own. Of course that’s not strictly true—you can loan your book by loaning your reading device, but that’s like giving someone access to one of your books by loaning them an entire library, book cases and all. And books are a tactile experience, meaning they are supposed to be experienced through touch and smell (especially for the old books). A book is meant to be an experience that can have depressions and elevations on the cover and text, feeling the weight of the pages as you turn them and all of these elements when combined make a book what it is, but when you read an e-book you are exposed to digitized text and a screen. And it’s been proven that when people are exposed to screens of TVs or computers they are less likely to have a good night sleep. On a web poll about e-books vs. books one person commented, ‘I’ve tried reading a few e-books but I’ve always given up. I just don’t like looking at digitized text when I’m reading a novel. I like the feel, the weight and even the smell of books,’ many of the following comments made by others agreed with this persons thoughts. A book is a single-task item that is written to distract the reader from everything else happening around them, they are technology designed for the best possible reading experience. An e-reader, however, tends to be a multi-tasking item with the ability to play music and videos as well as hold books. The iPad has a reading function but the focus is usually on the masses of games and the ability to search the internet. They beep, they buzz, and they disengage in a thousand ways. I don’t ever anticipate searching quiet side streets in old towns hoping to find used e-book stores. That’s because there is no such thing as a used e-book. E-books are never used, even when they have been read. They are still just files, as unblemished after ten years as they were the day they were duplicated. They will never suddenly appear as hidden treasures, dug out of a box in an old, rundown book store. They can never be loaned out and they can never be resold. They are forever new, forever fresh, forever unused and unstained. There will be no rare first editions, no beautiful special editions to be searched for decades from now. But whether used or new physical books can have sentimental value, you can get given a book for you birthday from your aunt but she can’t buy you an e-book, although she can give you the money for one, there won’t be a sweet message in its cover and you probably won’t remember if you bought the e-book or not. Books have sentimental value to them and are special reminders of times in you life because you can see them age and they will always be a physical reminder where they came from. We may be replacing things for easy technology even though some of it keeps us occupied. We still use old fashion books and letters because it connects us to what is happening, the letter you got from your grandma is special because its physical and you can keep it without it somehow disappearing. You can mark a book to show others its yours and to show them how you felt about it, you can lend them to a friend so they can enjoy it too and you can really get into a book that you can feel and smell and hide away from the world to find somewhere you can be or do whatever you want.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Cutting for Maggie monologue essays

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Cutting for Maggie monologue essays One of those no-neck monsters hit me with a hot buttered biscuit so I have to change! Well, I! - just remarked that! - one of th no-neck monsters messed up my lovely lace dress so I got to cha-a-ange! I swear theyve got no necks. None visible. Their fat little heads are stuck on their fat little bodies without a bit of connection. An its too bad, cause you cant wring their necks if theyve got no necks to wring! Yep, theyre monsters, all right. All no-neck people are monsters. Hear them? Hear them screaming? I dont know where their voice boxes are located since they dont have necks. I tell you I got so nervous at that table tonight I thought I would throw back my head and utter a scream you could hear clear across the Arkansas border and parts of Louisiana and Tennessee. I said to your charming sister-in-law, Mae, honey couldnt you feed those precious little thing at a separate table? They make such a mess and the lace cloth looks soooo pretty... She made enormous eyes at me and said, Ohhhhhh, no! On Big Daddys birthday? Why, he would never forgive me! Well, I want you to know, Big Daddy hadnt been at that table two minutes with them no-neck monsters slobbering an drooling over their food before he threw down his fork and shouted Fo Gods sake, Gooper! Why dont you feed them pigs at a trough in the kitchen?! Well, I swear, I simply could have dii-ie-ed! -Big Daddy shares my attitude towards Brother man and that monster of fertility Mae! As for me, well - I give him a laugh now and then and he tolerates me. In fact, - I sometimes suspect that Big Daddy harbors a little unconscious lech for me. Way he always drops his eyes down my body when Im talking to him, drops his eyes to my boobs an licks his old chops! Ha ha! - Why are ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quotes from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Quotes from 'Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World deals with issues of technological advancements, sexuality, and individualityin a dehumanizing society. Huxley explores how his characters react to living in a dystopian future society, in which everyone’s place in society is strictly defined. Here are a few quotes from the novel.   Our world is not the same as  Othellos  world. You cant make flivvers without steel- and you cant make tragedies without social instability. The worlds stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they cant get.† (ch. 16) With these words which Mustapha Mond speaks to John, in a philosophical-debate-like fashion, he details why Shakespeare is obsolete in the World State. Being a highly educated man, he admits to them being beautiful, but his words are old, and, thus, unfit for a society that is primarily oriented to consumerism. What’s more, he belittles John for using Shakespeare as  a paradigm of values and ethics, because Shakespeare’s world is very different from the World State. His was a world subjected to turmoil and instability, while the World State is essentially stable, which, in turn, is not a fertile ground for tragedies.   Quotes about Love and Sex â€Å"Whore! he shouted Whore! Impudent strumpet!† (Ch. 13) John yells these words at Lenina as she gets naked in front of him. Citing his beloved Shakespeare, he addresses her as a â€Å"disrespectful whore.† It’s a line coming from Othello, where the titular character is about to kill his wife Desdemona as he became convinced she had been cheating on him. Both instances of the use â€Å"impudent strumpet,† are misdirected, though: Desdemona was faithful all along, while Lenina had been sleeping around because the society she was raised in conditioned her to do so. Both Othello and John see their love interest as both sleazy and beautiful, which disturbs John, since he is not able to compute feelings of repulsion and attraction at the same time. In fact, such contrasting feelings eventually lead him to madness and death. Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didn’t allow them to take things easily, didn’t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty- they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable? (Chapter 3) In Chapter 3, Mustapha Mond explains the history of the World State to a group of boys touring the Hatchery. â€Å"Mother, monogamy, and romance† are concepts that are reviled in the World State, as is the whole idea of â€Å"feeling strongly,† and they are the core values of John, who is devoted to his mother, strives for monogamy and romance while still experiencing feelings unfiltered by soma. However, eventually, abiding by those feelings causes him to try to purify himself with self-flagellation, which, in an unfortunate turn of events, leads to his madness and to his suicide. His demise does, indirectly, prove Mustapha Mond’s point, as, by eliminating â€Å"mother, monogamy, and romance† alongside â€Å"feeling strongly,† the World State succeeded in creating a stabile society where everybody was, indeed, superficially happy. Sure, human beings are indoctrinated to behave in one way and one way only according to their caste, and the whole Stat e is a system founded on production and consumptions, fueled by the consumeristic tendencies of its inhabitants. However, they are happy. They just need to drink soma and choose merriment over truth. A good trade-off. Politics â€Å"When the individual feels, the community reels† (various locations) This is a Society’s teaching of the World State, which goes hand in hand with â€Å"never put of till tomorrow the fun you can have today.† Lenina pronounces it to Bernard after they had spent a night together in his rooms, which he regretted, saying he wished it had ended differently, especially considering it was their first day together. She claims it’s pointless to put off having any fun, while he wants to â€Å"feel something strongly,† which is largely discouraged in the world state, as feelings can overthrow any form of stability. Yet, Bernard yearns for some reeling too. This conversation makes Lenina feel rejected. Yes, and civilization is sterilization.† (Ch. 7) Civilization is sterilization is one of the main Society’s teachings in Brave New World, and different characters utter it throughout the novel. Sterilization can mean different things: one is sanitation and cleanliness, as opposed to the filth people in the Reservation live in. â€Å" I had an awful cut on my head when they first brought me here. You cant imagine what they used to put on it. Filth, just filth† Linda recalls before uttering the statement. Similarly, Lenina equates sterilization with cleanliness, which, she insists â€Å"is next to fordliness.† However, sterilization can also be interpreted with regards to making women unable to bear children. In the World State, 70% of the female population are made into freemartins, meaning sterile women. They achieve that by injecting the female embryos with a low dose of sex hormones. This makes them sterile and fairly normal, except for the slight tendency to grow a beard.   Happiness And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears- that’s what soma is. (Chapter 17) This quote is excerpted from a conversation between John and Mustapha, which takes place in Chapter 17. Mustapha is trying to convince John how soma is a cure-all remedy for any unpleasant emotion, which, in turn, lead to inefficiency and conflict. Unlike the hard moral training of the past, soma can solve any ailment of the soul almost instantly. Curiously, the parallel between moral training, which is usually a core aspect of religion, and soma, hints at the origin of the word soma itself. It used to be an entheogenic draught that was consumed during rituals in the Vedic religion. Several myths also see two opposing factions of deities fighting over the ownership of soma. But while, originally, soma was consumed by gods and humans alike in order to attain â€Å"the light† and immortality, the soma, which, in the world state, comes in convenient tablets, and it’s mainly used to deal with any â€Å"unpleasantness†: Lenina knocks herself out with it after being un able to endure the horrors she witnessed in the Reservation, while Linda who, in her isolation in the Reservation had been looking for a substitute for the soma in mescaline and peyotl, eventually is prescribed a lethal dose of soma once she gets back to the World State.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Implications of Differences in National Culture for International Assignment

Implications of Differences in National Culture for International Business - Assignment Example Due to the tight spot that is progressively afflicting the large global companies, international business ethics has ascended to facilitate in attending to these oppressive subject issues. International business ethics makes an effort to contend with inquiries of what to accomplish in circumstances where ethical morals are scrapped and become at odds in consequence of different and, oftentimes, opposing cultural practices. Negotiations in the international business platform can be deliberated from a wide or a restricted sense: negotiations in a wide sense comprise nearly all, if not all, forms of "consultation, communication, discussion, exchanging of views, reaching a consensus, and formal negotiations" (Chang, 2006). Those which are in a restricted sense comprise the undertakings that are accomplished in locations that are openly or officially arranged for negotiations (Chang, 2006). The academic sphere of discussions gained differing stance towards the relationship between culture s and the manners of negotiations. A few people are certain about the fact that negotiations have turned out to be a collective and shared behavior, and notwithstanding the cultural upbringings of those involved in the negotiations, and in the international business in general, the manner of negotiations is achieved inside the pre-set structure. Nevertheless, there are still those who are positive about the fact that negotiations in different nations are divergent from each other in that they manifest manifold and, more often, conflicting forms, and are basically diverse. To a wide-ranging expanse, varying cultural backgrounds result in varying kinds of organizations. This relationship is not complete and conclusive, nonetheless, and labeling, categorizing should be evaded (Liu, 1996). To appreciate the influence of national cultural difference on multinational business and negotiations, as well as in terms of the decision making process, a multi-cultural study and the varying natio nal cultural strengths and weaknesses can be employed in order to project a differing countries’ potential behaviours in negotiation process, and to recognize the cultural factors that may impact the decision making process (Chang, 2006). It is normally considered that multicultural investigations are concentrated on particular occurrences and deliberate the parallels and differences among countries. While this type of investigation may have limited potential in terms of the selected nations or particular behaviors on international business negotiations, it remains to hold a considerable importance in terms of facilitating individuals to understand business negotiations in a global perspective considering that it touches on different values, behaviors, and decision-making models of individuals coming from different nations (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2011). For instance, China and the United States have absolutely varying styles in carrying out a negotiation owing to: (1) Americans h ave diverse personalities in so far as the geographical divisions of Americans are concerned: â€Å"southern, eastern, and western regions are like different worlds† (Chang, 2006), as compared to (2) China’s extremely analogous, communism-inspired personality traits. National Cultural Differences and International Business Negotiations Regardless of the nature of the discussion of the personality traits as influenced by one's national culture, it is quite thought-provoking and challenging to profoundly comprehend and figure out international business negotiations considering that it involves manifold complex factors.